Running 101 eBook
Hey my name is Jeremy 👋
I love running but it wasn't always so.
I spent decades failing to become a runner.
I wanted to follow in my father's footsteps and run a marathon.
I’d start training with a big burst of energy and motivation, but after a few weeks I’d:
- Burnout
- Get injured
- Give up and end up back on the couch
I’d rest up and try again, only to repeat the cycle.
My fitness motivation was dwindling and my waistline was expanding.
I finally reached a point where I knew I had to change or else I’d be dead before I was 50.
So I gave running one last try, but this time I changed my approach.
And let me tell you, the results have been insane:
- 10,000+ miles
- 7 ultra-marathons
- 100 mile race finisher
- Fat lost and muscle gained
- Blood pressure and cholesterol down to normal levels
Running has changed my life.
I know it will for you too.
But it's hard to know where to start.
You're not sure what to do and worry about getting hurt.
So I put together all the lessons I've learned.
Running 101 explains 7 principles and 6 workout types that'll help you run faster and farther while reducing the risk of injury.
Here's a quick video preview: